Monday 3 April 2017


Assalamualaikum and hello fellas .

Auww im so miss my blogging activity yelah dah nak busy periksa weeh huks . First of all , alhamdulillah dah masuk april . weeeee .(( It means you are going to suffer aisyah lols .))
Alright , for this month im going to have an oral test and all i ask is a blessing from you huhu .

So back to topic . A bibliophile its kinda someone who craze over million books . (( iguess so haha ))
and yerp im one of it . Not much but i did have them . Mine might not be much like others . I found someone tht really spent their most time reading and im so envy with them . ggggrrrrr . I prefer myself a fictional books or thriller or anything else (( cos aisyah loves to read laa )) . My favourites are :

     Harry Potter Series
     The Clifton Chronicles
     The Maze Runner

and only these i could remember . sorry gais . And here i will share some tips how to survive during reading . (( feels like we're having a camp in the thick forest lels ))

1. Ger ready with some snacks or junk food .
    (( kurangkan amalan ni tapi sekali sekala buleh la haha ))

                                           Hasil carian imej untuk malaysian snack

2 . Get yourself a bottle of water cause you might need it the most time .
      (( Trust me . It happens ok . Lagi-lagi kalau part nervous rasa jantung nak terkeluar haha .
          lebih baik kalau mineral water but depends on someone . Ikut citarasa hangpa jelaa .))

                                             Hasil carian imej untuk malaysian mineral water

3. Make sure the book tht you are going to read is the best one .
   (( i think most of people didnt like reading bcos the books never did well . well you
       have to be smart then . Choose the right one lavfelis haha . ))

And the last is enjoy your books . Books are something special . Why ?
Sebab it help us to escape reality then went to magical and exquisite fantasy . Best kanggg??
Cuba bayangkan bila baca buku harry potter , hangpa tengah belajar kat hogwarts pastu pergi kelas potions or else . Ada wand sendiri , ada penyapu terbang . Best kottt . Bila baca sherlock holmes , hangpa rasa dok tengah cari bukti suspek . suddenly korang jadi investigator . wushhh . Best tuuu .

So aisyah nak mengundur diri dulu lols .
See you soon inshaalllah .