Saturday 23 January 2021

still alive


I felt weird. It's been like 2 years since my last post and yet here i am. I'm sorry for being missing like I'm so packed with my daily schedule and I had almost forgot that I was a blogger meh. The time that I had gone, mostly to figure out my self-worth. Yas Beans! hahah this sounds funny tho. so far I'm pretty concerned that I have know myself like much better(i hope so). 


I'm finally got over my korean fever phase. GOSH. this took me for years bruh! I just decided not to be a kpopper or kdrama person. The only thing I'm passionate about korean is the TROS show. The show is so cute with babies and kids(yep no lie). Back to the point, I am no longer a kpop stan which is AHMAZING haha. I started to love kpop//korean culture since 9 years old, and here we are 10 years later and had lost interest in kpop. DANG IT haha. I think basically I started to hit the reality cause none of the kdrama scene is real guys huhu. I am actually pretty excited and cause finally did this thing *send me virtual hug. Seeing all the years back, it was pretty intense and lowkey funny since I even perhaps to get a korean boyfie. What an immature aisyah huhu. If you guys are kpopper and kdrama, go just do your thang, as long as you feel good about it. Don't let people define you okay?

Now I'm at my first year of uni.

Stress? IT.NEVER.STOP.PERIOD. haha so demm true. But let me sip my roasted milk boba tea and enjoy my imagination. tiber~ 

Ok so now I get a new passion which is......


yup no lie geng. I just loved to binge anime series whenever I had a chance. Little Note; I only watch thriller anime. romantic scenes are not allowed haha jkjk. (but its true)

now we are in pandemic. I miss being out again, but need to remind myself that i am such an introvert. lols. Im on my healing process of my breakout acne and hopefully everything goes well.

Till the next post, bye.

Saturday 1 December 2018

Fake Feelings?

Assalam and hello jellybeans !
It's been a  while since the ever last post huhu . But I'm back on the track and I'll try to keep updating the blog kk?
So have you read the title I bet ?

Act , I dont really like the way ppl said to anyone ' you're having fake depression or fake emotions ' that is so rude . How could you said that ? They don't even mess up with you . They just being true to themselves and maybe they had been keeping too much from public which they started express in general . WE ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO HATE THEM !

This kinda person needs help . They got lost and the really really need guide ok ? We are same , we are human being afterall . Give them support and love and help them out . If you are succeed , you are indeed a hero that save ppl from getting depress or else . HOW AWESOME THAT THING IS?!

Well for ppl out there ; YOU CAN NEVER PLEASE ANYONE EVER EVER EVER . Be true to yourself and you will happy inshaallah ))
And we together helping each other for better ones . Spread the positive vibes and rise and shine . Plus don't never forget to leave little sparkle wherever you've been .
Till then ;

Monday 20 August 2018


Has anyone ever seen a lot.  jellybeans )
Aww it's been a long time since my last update . Sorry though (

So back to the title ;
Sebenarnya sejak masuk sekolah baru my face became very sensitive huhu . I find too many ways to get a really clean face . Agak susahlah sebab kulit aisyah memang acne prone skin sejak 2012 something . I know it's very early tapi tu lah hakikatnya haha . That time was sekolah rendah and aisyah macam kena kecam sedikit . Yela kawan semua muka peloles lagi tapi saya cool ceng . Ada je time macam tersinggung tapi tabah je la sis )

Bila dah masuk sekolah menengah , I started with few products . I began to save more money so that I could buy better skincare . And then I discovered this sleeping mask . Sebenarnya baru guna dalam dua minggu tapi srsly result tak pernah mengecewakan .

It contains tea tree as ingredient utama . Alhamdulillah jerawat start kecut and pergi secara perlahan haha . Tapi ada a few skin cepat irritated jadi tak semua orang sesuai . BEAR IN MIND OK !@#$/^
Cuma bila dah pakai kena konsisten la kalau tak jerawat berkenalan semula lols .

Inshaallah dengan izin Allah produk ni membantu hihi . Firstly , produk ni ala ala night cream so just spread over face and dia ade kesan sticky la . Bukan oily tapi dia lekit lekit je but still nice )

Next , time sapu boleh tebalkan sikit sebab nak bagi efek baik haha . Desc produk ni pun suruh jugak kot . Don't blame me . Thirdly , sebelum pakai kena cuci muka and pakai toner . Please noted sebab kalau nak cepat dapat effect kena bersihkan muka betul betul kan ?

Kat bawah aisyah tunjuk gambar close up cream ni . Aisyah punya 15ml je .

1) FROM 1-10 , HOW DO YOU RATE ?

Saturday 17 March 2018

New Chapter

Hello jellybeans ,
Guess what , I have already 16 and begins to old . *sob sob

Ok . This year is totally different from others cos I have been to a new school . It's sort of shock but yeah it's my permanent decision and I need to believe it )

Haha sedih gilos nak pindah since my bespreng are all here mmg homesick teruk la . Tapi Alhamdulillah dah sebulan dah boleh kontrol macho hoho takde fefeling sangat dah .

Paling sedih abah ibu la huhu . Ini memang kalau boleh aisyah nak meraung ja tapi semuanya for future right ? Birthday tahun ni rasa sunyi jugak la sebab jauh dari family kawan baru pon tak tahu tapi redho jela sis haha . Takpe experience mendewasakan kita cewah .

Seminggu orientation mmg rasa nak balik rumah . Dah la takde kawan lama macam alone pong ade jugak tapi sis tabah . Never thought I survived tht hell week tho haha . Seminggu je then balik cny , masatu kena brainwash habis dengan ibu , abg long sesemua la . Memang rasa give up betul tapi kena kuat kan )

Dah masuk kelas baru rasa fun fun asrama ni . Classmates pong terbaik even ade drama but it's okay . Dorm mates pong mmg best gilos and I really thanked God for everything . I might lose my other halves but Allah found me the best ones Alhamdulillah  hihi .

Sekarang dah sebulan so maintain emotion la . Dah tak koyak macam awal awal (ni ayat kat sana) haha . Sekarang tengah pulun cover up study sbb naik pb dah exam so really really challenging fuh .

Pray that I can perform the best for my first exam ( road to spm) haha . Inshaallah , Allah is the best planner )))

Thursday 4 January 2018

Eggy Beginning

Assalamualaikum and hello )
Alhamdulillah dah masuk 2018 . Huhu sekejap sungguh . Dah tua setahun ya semua orang ( bertabahlah ) .

Ok harini rasa macam nak buat review sikit pasal produk skinfood . Haaa mesti pernah dengar kan ?
Kali ni aisyah try produk SKINFOOD EGG WHITE PORE MASK .

So far skin just nice . Beli dekat hermo online hasil perkongsian aisyah dan kakak haha . So here listed the benefits :

     Alhamdulillah semakin ok . Kalau pakai memang nampak jelas segala lubang yang ada haha .

    Setakat ni kulit ok takde kesan teruk or else . Mungkin sebab die guna telur which fine organic )

    Kulit masih berwarna coklat cair hehe . Maybe produk ni tak bole putihkan kulit aisyah huhu . Lagipun die punya aim eliminates pore-clogging .

Ni packaging nya ada dekat bawah ;

    Price range around RM21 or above. Kalau ade sale selalu murah , so be alert !

P/s ; pssst ,
         The result depends on the   person . Different ppl , different skin . Hopefully , this thing works out and suits you well ))

Till another post ,

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Top Series of 2017

Assalamualaikum and hello jellybeans.
Finally the exam was done. And im back with blogging. #likefinally lols. This week marked the end of 2017 school session which im gonna miss a lot. The f3 dah habis sekolah since kelmarin. Yup,awal betul kang? Ill be sitting on f4 next year . Im not really ready for it, especially on growing old huhu.

And my blog is in new look. YES! it took a while for me to redesign this site . ( cewahh ) Feel free to hit the follow button hehe. RN, Im doing several activities yang dah tertangguh sejak awal tahun. Im watching stranger things gais (s1). This series is completely different from others which I love it. Also me doing korean-drama-things atas hasutan rakan. Setakat ni goblin je boleh layan yang lain ikut giliran ya.

So here are the list that ppl should be watching ( from my opinion so far );
definitely for a person who loves    thriller effect memang digalakkan. Already comes out with s2, this series has been applauded for being a best drama in 2016/17.
alright. This series might being aging but trust me, it always done well by Winchester brothers! I keep seeing this series back to my childhood. Even sekarang still tengok cuma nak kena start balik dari season yang dah terlepas huhu.
forever my favourite. It tells two vampire brothers on having life in Mystic Falls while craving flesh of blood. This series included witches and werewolves and family matter most. Try to have an episode guys.
a good series especially for korean lovers. Im watching it since it starred Lee Dong Wook (forever feveret haha ) Citer ni unik sikit tapi good to enjoy. Ending memang sedih and tak expect betul. Terima kasih kepada kak jiha and farha for encouraging me to have this series done lols.
this story kinda slow but fine. Took place on a high school journey about a dead girl. The girl committed a suicide and stated thirteen reasons why before she died. This story did create awareness about bullying and friendship.

So, thats the end of post today. Wishing you the best luck and enjoy your day. Ciao' jellybeans.

Monday 3 April 2017


Assalamualaikum and hello fellas .

Auww im so miss my blogging activity yelah dah nak busy periksa weeh huks . First of all , alhamdulillah dah masuk april . weeeee .(( It means you are going to suffer aisyah lols .))
Alright , for this month im going to have an oral test and all i ask is a blessing from you huhu .

So back to topic . A bibliophile its kinda someone who craze over million books . (( iguess so haha ))
and yerp im one of it . Not much but i did have them . Mine might not be much like others . I found someone tht really spent their most time reading and im so envy with them . ggggrrrrr . I prefer myself a fictional books or thriller or anything else (( cos aisyah loves to read laa )) . My favourites are :

     Harry Potter Series
     The Clifton Chronicles
     The Maze Runner

and only these i could remember . sorry gais . And here i will share some tips how to survive during reading . (( feels like we're having a camp in the thick forest lels ))

1. Ger ready with some snacks or junk food .
    (( kurangkan amalan ni tapi sekali sekala buleh la haha ))

                                           Hasil carian imej untuk malaysian snack

2 . Get yourself a bottle of water cause you might need it the most time .
      (( Trust me . It happens ok . Lagi-lagi kalau part nervous rasa jantung nak terkeluar haha .
          lebih baik kalau mineral water but depends on someone . Ikut citarasa hangpa jelaa .))

                                             Hasil carian imej untuk malaysian mineral water

3. Make sure the book tht you are going to read is the best one .
   (( i think most of people didnt like reading bcos the books never did well . well you
       have to be smart then . Choose the right one lavfelis haha . ))

And the last is enjoy your books . Books are something special . Why ?
Sebab it help us to escape reality then went to magical and exquisite fantasy . Best kanggg??
Cuba bayangkan bila baca buku harry potter , hangpa tengah belajar kat hogwarts pastu pergi kelas potions or else . Ada wand sendiri , ada penyapu terbang . Best kottt . Bila baca sherlock holmes , hangpa rasa dok tengah cari bukti suspek . suddenly korang jadi investigator . wushhh . Best tuuu .

So aisyah nak mengundur diri dulu lols .
See you soon inshaalllah .

Monday 16 May 2016



Baru aku sedar , its been seven months tak blogging . so sorry dah tak alert dengan blog , yelah macam macam event happen .


Wokayh ,
Sekarang dah masuk time raya . It means dah lepas sebulan berpuasa . Sireyessly aku rindu nak bangun sahur tapi still boleh amalkan lain hari kan? Hahha .


Tak lagi , aku decide nak buat homework . Alhamdulillah sikit je . And aku nak spent time dengan buku cerita lah . Kebetulan pula novel aku banyak tak baca lagi . Huhuh . Sekarang tengah onloading maze runner series . In sha allah dah nak habis book one . Lagi tiga belum lagi huaaah . Aku nak selit sikit fasal puasa enam . Aku tak pasti sangat , yang aku tau puasa nih bersamaan puasa setahun . Huishhh . Best tuh .

Meh aku kongsi sikit fasal puasa enam dalam bulan syawal ;

1 . Sebagai penampal terhadap segala kekurangan amalan puasa di bulan Ramadhan.
2 . Semua amalan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT. pada Ramadhan, tidak akan terputus dengan berlalunya bulan mulia itu, selama dia masih hidup.
3 . Mudah berpuasa selepas Ramadhan menandakan diterimanya puasa Ramadhan kerana melakukan kebaikan kemudian diteruskan dengan kebaikan lain, maka ianya sebagai tanda terkabulnya amal pertama.
4 . Allah SWT menjauhkan orang yang berpuasa enam daripada api neraka dengan jarak tujuh puluh tahun.
5 . Puasa selepas Aidilfitri adalah antara tanda kesyukuran atas nikmat pertolongan dan keampunan yang dianugerahkan Allah ketika Ramadhan.
(( artikel dari pak cik google ))

Semoga kita semua beroleh keberkatan dari Allah . In sha allah .
Im wishing you happy raya days . May Allah bless everyone and me . Stay tuned ok ?

Sunday 14 June 2015


 Hasil carian imej untuk dandelion


Everyone through the reality of life.So you and I.Sometimes we feel happy , joyful , overwhelmed , mad or else.We may be different but all human are same in Allah's eyes.Try to look around you , we was created by clay.We are same.I have a pair of eyes.You too.I have a mouth.So you are.

Everything has changed;

Now , wars everywhere.Any places , even on the internet wars can happen.To dangerous right? Any crimes happen right now.Killing innocent people.Blood spilled.Do you have any sympathy?How was your feeling? Me? I cant describe it.Too hard to say.So as muslim ; we can dua as long as we live , so we will leave in peace.In sha Allah , Allah always there for us.Keep dua okayh?

Salam Ukhuwah;

Seringkali kamu menginginkan sesuatu, namun Tuhan memalingkan daripadamu. Akibatnya, kamu merasa sedih dan terus menginginkannya.

Namun, ketika akhir dan akibat daripada apa yang kamu hasratkan itu tersingkap, barulah kamu menyedari bahawa Allah melihatmu dengan pandangan yang baik dari arah yang tidak kamu ketahui, dan memilihkan untukmu dari arah yang tidak kamu ketahui. - Al Imam Ibnu Athaillah As Sakandari

Monday 8 June 2015

Lost - minded



Seriously , cuti kali ni buatkan otak aku berkarat .hahha. Ni semua disebabkan makan dan tidur.Agaknya berat aku naik kan? huahhh.

tukar topik.

Korang ade plan bercuti kat mana-mana.
don't ask.
famili aku takde plan buat masa ni.duduk rumah okey kan , spend times with famili.lagipun , Jumaat ni aku nak hantar abang aku sambung belajar.paipai hyung.Agaknya rindu dia ke? haaa.malas nak fikir.homework berlambak tapi tulang ni berat seh.taknak siapkan.*nangis jap
takpe slow-slow dulu , nanti siap jugak kan? *jangan jadi macam aku , suka tangguh .

Saturday 23 May 2015


Hello again?
It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again

okayh.It's been a long day I didn't blogging.Why? I don't have so much time to spend.

Lagu ni ade terselit memoirs dulu2.At grade sixth.hahah.dah mula rasa rindu weyh.Teringat pesan cikgu 'awak tuu perempuan,pakai biar tutup auratnya'.Banyak lagi cikgu-cikgu pesan tapi enggak bisa ingat.Maklumlah otak dicelup maggi memang camni.kah.


Alhamdulillah.dah habis mid-year exam.lega rasanya.sekarang time tengok movie bebanyak.Syok gituu.I also read a fixi novel.Yeah,the book was awesome.OTW nak abiskan.Ade lagi dua buku ditunggu untuk dibaca.perghh.letih jugaa.Ini antara faktor diriku rabun.My reading style is golek golek cam nangka busuk atas katil and a book on my hand.Nasib tak jatuh katil.fuhhh.Selalunya mengalami bunyi kriuk2 pada pinggang.