Saturday 17 March 2018

New Chapter

Hello jellybeans ,
Guess what , I have already 16 and begins to old . *sob sob

Ok . This year is totally different from others cos I have been to a new school . It's sort of shock but yeah it's my permanent decision and I need to believe it )

Haha sedih gilos nak pindah since my bespreng are all here mmg homesick teruk la . Tapi Alhamdulillah dah sebulan dah boleh kontrol macho hoho takde fefeling sangat dah .

Paling sedih abah ibu la huhu . Ini memang kalau boleh aisyah nak meraung ja tapi semuanya for future right ? Birthday tahun ni rasa sunyi jugak la sebab jauh dari family kawan baru pon tak tahu tapi redho jela sis haha . Takpe experience mendewasakan kita cewah .

Seminggu orientation mmg rasa nak balik rumah . Dah la takde kawan lama macam alone pong ade jugak tapi sis tabah . Never thought I survived tht hell week tho haha . Seminggu je then balik cny , masatu kena brainwash habis dengan ibu , abg long sesemua la . Memang rasa give up betul tapi kena kuat kan )

Dah masuk kelas baru rasa fun fun asrama ni . Classmates pong terbaik even ade drama but it's okay . Dorm mates pong mmg best gilos and I really thanked God for everything . I might lose my other halves but Allah found me the best ones Alhamdulillah  hihi .

Sekarang dah sebulan so maintain emotion la . Dah tak koyak macam awal awal (ni ayat kat sana) haha . Sekarang tengah pulun cover up study sbb naik pb dah exam so really really challenging fuh .

Pray that I can perform the best for my first exam ( road to spm) haha . Inshaallah , Allah is the best planner )))